Apache Annotator (incubating)

Selector Demonstration

This page demonstrates Web Annotation Selectors, standardised JSON objects that describe a selection inside a document with sufficient information to find it back.

This demo’s source code can be found in the project repo (also mirrored on GitHub)

Select text here

Hello, annotated world! 🙂 To annotate, or not to annotate, that is the question.

Try selecting some text in this paragraph above. Upon a change of selection, a TextQuoteSelector will be created, that describes what was selected.

The selector can work either
; or

Text is found here

Hello, annotated world! 🙂 To annotate, or not to annotate, that is the question.

The selector is ‘anchored’ here: the segment it describes is found and highlighted.

The selector as JSON:


Here are other selectors you can anchor in the text above: